Ball (Super-Q 23 & 123) Most Popular
- Super-Q 23 - Steel
- Super-Q 123 - Tungsten Carbide (TC)
- Ø2.35mm Shank
- Most popular
- Coarse serrations
- Packs of 6 steel burrs available
- Busch 1
- A*F 119.300
- Maillefer 23
Ball burrs are the most popular steel burrs used in jewellery stone setting, with its all round shape you can open out stone setting mounts accurately and with speed. Use ball drills on round
gemstones, particularly ideal for diamond setting.The gemstone culet and girdle sit well within the bored hole ready for the stone to be secured using gravers/burnishers.
Smaller size ball drills are very useful for claw and channel setting, grooving on the prongs is recommended so the girdle slots and ready to push over. When channel setting, groove the side walls ready for the girdle to sit into the setting.
Super- Q Tungsten Carbide Burrs
- Tungsten carbide ball on a stainless steel shank
- Harder than steel burrs, perfect for use on hard metals, steel, glass, iron, plastics & ceramics
- Can be used for cutting, grinding, deburring, removal of sharp edges, and shaping the workpiece