When Corporatism leads to corporate governance failure, the case of the Swiss watch industry

When Corporatism leads to corporate governance failure, the case of the Swiss watch industry

Available to buy as a paperback or free to download via the PDF link.
By: Dr Isabelle Schluep Campo
Head of Sustainable Impact, Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich and Dr Philipp Aerni Director of the Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich.
Sample Quotes from the book include:
“One must acknowledge the ability of Nicolas Hayek to mobilize his business network and personal resources in a way that maximize financial returns not just for himself but also his partners. Ultimately these skills made him a billionaire.”
  • “Pretending to be Robin Hood while representing the establishment”
  • “the reliance on the “Swissness” premium also led to complacency”
  • “Hayek must of known that ASUAG was not in dire state but actually a goldmine”
  • “a state monopoly essentially fell into private hands and the consequences for the industry as a whole are felt to date”
  • “both Hayek and Jobs (Steve) were strongly focused on ruthlessly taking advantage of their market power and were known to be arrogant and vain”
  • “Nicolas Hayek merely inherited a former state monopoly that he later converted into a private monopoly”
  • “Nicolas Hayek was brought into the watch business by the establishment”
  • “It was not Nicolas Hayek who revolutionized the watch business with the development and successful commercialization of the Swatch, but Ernst Thomke and his team.”
  • “The Swatch Group continues to rely on extracting monopoly rents”
  • “The Hayek family does not seem to worry because its members have reason to believe that Swiss corporatism will protect their business, allegedly in the “public interest”
Available to buy as a paperback or free to download via the PDF link.
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